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Choose the right ingredients

What’s a star ingredient?

The triple power of star ingredients

Star ingredients are ingredients that have been carefully selected for their threefold power: they allow you to eat well, do not break the bank, and are good for the planet. Discover these crops of the future and the different varieties grown here in Quebec!

These star ingredients are good for your health and the health of the planet - as well as being easy on your wallet.

A few examples

  • Legumes, such as yellow peas, beans, lentils and soybeans

  • Whole grains, such as buckwheat, spelt, rye and barley 

  • Oilseeds, such as flax and sunflower

Allies for your health

  • Legumes contain more fiber and less saturated fat than other types of high-protein foods.

  • Whole-grain foods are high in fiber, satisfy hunger and promote healthy digestion.

  • Oilseeds are a source of omega 3 and other fats, which are excellent for brain and heart health. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

These star ingredients are a good substitute for meat, which can be expensive and can have a negative impact on the planet. They support crop diversification, nourish the soil and on top of that, many varieties require very little agricultural inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, etc.).

And that's not all... these star ingredients also taste great!