Tips on ways to preserve food in order to save money
Keeping food at its peak is essential if we want to limit waste, save money and eat healthily. In this article, you'll discover simple and effective tips for extending the shelf life of your fresh and ready-to-eat products, all the while respecting the environment and your wallet!
Optimize fridge storage
Storing food properly not only reduces spoilage but also helps save money, while at the same time preserving nutritional quality.
For starters, opt for simple methods, such as strategic storage in the fridge: place the most perishable foods at the front for quick use. Also, use airtight containers to maintain freshness and avoid cross-contamination.
Make the most of your freezer
Your freezer is an invaluable ally in helping extend the shelf life of food. Try making your own frozen foods: blanch your vegetables and then freeze them to preserve their vitamins and texture. To optimize management, remember to label bags and containers with the date they were frozen. And don't hesitate to freeze prepared meals in order to save time on days when you're in a hurry!
And to take things further, what about frozen vegetables?
There's nothing wrong with buying these. On the contrary! It guarantees you a steady supply of fruit and vegetables all year ‘round. But choose local, unprocessed foods, i.e. those with no preservatives or additives.
Explore traditional methods
Lastly, explore other preserving methods, such as lacto-fermentation or canning. These traditional techniques are perfect for preserving seasonal fruits and vegetables while diversifying your meal-making options.
For example, homemade pickles or kimchi are both tasty and a valuable source of probiotics. By adopting these practices, you can promote sustainable eating and still add an original touch to your everyday meals!
And to see how Équiterre's Food team preserves their food ... have a look here!