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Eat more vegetable protein

How our food choices can improve our health and the health of the planet

If we’re lucky, we get to eat three meals a day. And the food choices we make have a direct impact not only on our health, but also on the health of our ecosystems, and therefore the planet.

A nice bowl of chips and guacamole can be a great treat! And of course we can all have a treat from time to time. But in a context where more than half of the world’s population suffers from nutrient deficiencies, and the agricultural systems and soils that feed us are in a precarious situation, it has never been more important that our food choices be more informed and deliberate so that we can do our part.

At Équiterre, we’ve been talking about planetary health menus, encouraging people to think differently about their food, from soil to plate. We must consider both food production (crops) and consumption choices (menus), taking into account the impacts on our health, environment and wallet.

It’s about adapting our menus to a new reality. Food inflation, the food industry’s questionable business practices, shortages in the fields, climate change and health issues related to malnutrition can no longer be ignored. We all need to be smarter with our money!

Are you ready to change your food habits to benefit your health and your budget?

Our best advice is to replace some of the meat in your meals with plant-based proteins.

Lentils, yellow peas, beans (eaten whole or in flour) - legumes are a good alternative to meat. Less expensive and better for the planet, these plant proteins are allies for your health. They contain a lot of fiber, only a little saturated fat, and their benefits do not stop there: they are a source of iron, good for the heart, they satisfy hunger and improve digestion.

Plus, they're delicious! You can start by replacing, completely or partially, the meat in your recipes with legumes. For example, a spaghetti sauce or a shepherd's pie with half ground meat, half lentils. You can also modify your favourite recipe: beans in your tacos, or chickpeas in your quiches.

And did you know that there are many varieties of legumes that grow in Quebec?