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What does quality-price ratio mean?

Shop Smarter, Eat Better seeks to help you to spend your money wisely! To rethink some of your purchases, align them with your values, and enjoy quality food at the best possible price.

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When you're eating your lunch, what and who are you supporting? Or when you buy your food or cook it at home? Or with the cereal or coffee you enjoy in the morning?

We don’t always think about it, but every food choice and purchase we make has impacts on our own health, energy and enjoyment, as well as on the environment, the economy, and the people that prepare it.

First of all, food should be tasty, diversified, healthy and nutritious, a good source of energy, and an opportunity for connection with yourself and those around you.

Quality also depends on the type of food, where it comes from, how it is produced, processed, packaged, transported, and how people and nature are impacted throughout the food chain.

For example, whether frozen or preserved, paying $4 for local blueberries is an investment. You're supporting the local economy as well as a much more transparent and sustainable production and supply chain. Having traveled only a minimal distance from the field to your plate, these blueberries will also be much more delicious and nutritious.

$4 for local blueberries = great quality-price ratio!

By contrast, spending $4 for blueberries from Mexico supports a much longer, more polluting and less transparent supply chain - and we don't really know where that $4 is going. Blueberries will also have lost nutritional quality and flavour. 

$4 for blueberries that flew on a plane = lower quality/price level!